Lab Color Correction: Removal of color casts, basic density adjustments, or minor white balance correction. This will take effect on entire file, not region specific. Because Lab Color Correction affects the entire file at once, color correction of composite images is not possible with this method. You must order Advanced Color Correction for composites.

Advanced Image Correction: Specific color corrections. When certain regions need be adjusted, or major exposure/white balance issues need to be solved we will do a more advanced correction. Additionally, when a composite or multi-node images are sent in for color correction, we adjust each node of the composite individually. In a situation such as this, if we do not have your approval, we will contact you before further action. This can be added during ordering in the "Choose Retouching Options" tab.

Multi-node images, or any composites (such as album pages) do not qualify for Lab Color Correction. To have these pages color corrected by the lab, please select our Advanced Color Correction option.

How To Order

Color Corrected Prints are available through ROES and can be found under the 'Pro Prints' catalog followed by the 'Color Corrected Prints' tab and your desired paper type.

Turn Around Time

2 Business Days / SPEND $ = FREE SHIPPING

Please allow an additional business day for Metallic, Deep Matte, Unwrapped Canvas, Velvet Rag and Textured Art Paper prints.

Available For Rewards Discount

Save up to 20%  apply for Rewards Status

Available Mounting Options

Mounting and Finishing 



4 - Wallets Strip (2.5 x 3.5, Uncut) : $2.46

8 -Wallets (2.5 x 3.5, Die Cut w/ Rounded Corners) : $4.65

3x3: $1.44

3.5x5: $1.44*

4x4: $1.44

4x5: $1.44*

4x6: $1.55*

4x8: $3.69

4x10: $4.12

5x5: $3.91*

5x7: $4.12*

5x10: $4.12

5x15: $12.36

6x9: $4.12

7x10: $4.12

7x14: $4.23

8x8: $4.33

8x10: $5.08*

8x12: $10.97

9x12: $10.97

10x10: $9.10

10x13: $10.43

10x15: $12.14

10x16: $14.45

10x18: $14.45

11x14: $15.17

11x16: $21.72

12x12: $22.36

12x16: $21.72


4 - Wallets Strip (2.5 x 3.5, Uncut) : $2.58

8 -Wallets (2.5 x 3.5, Die Cut w/ Rounded Corners) : $4.89

3x3: $1.52

3.5x5: $1.52*

4x4: $1.52

4x5: $1.52*

4x6: $1.63*

4x8: $3.88

4x10: $4.33

5x5: $4.10*

5x7: $4.33*

5x10: $4.33

5x15: $12.36

5x20: $17.20**

5x30: $24.13

6x9: $4.33

6x24: $21.51**

7x10: $4.33

7x14: $4.44

8x8: $4.55

8x10: $5.34*

8x12: $11.52

8x32: $33.22**

9x12: $11.52

10x10: $9.55

10x13: $10.95

10x15: $12.75

10x16: $15.17

10x18: $15.17

10x20: $22.19

10x30: $35.90

10x40: $44.89**

11x14: $15.17

11x16: $22.82

11x20: $21.51

12x12: $23.48

12x16: $22.81

12x18: $22.81

12x20: $21.72

12x24: $31.99

12x48: $52.75**

13x20: $24.13

14x14: $25.36

15x20: $28.94

15x30: $48.31

16x16: $31.99

16x20: $31.99

16x24: $33.81

18x18: $33.17

18x24: $41.68

20x20: $33.81

20x24: $41.68

20x30: $48.31

24x24: $48.31

24x30: $60.35

24x36: $83.35

27x40: $92.18

30x30: $94.15

30x40: $106.34

40x60: $217.21


4 - Wallets Strip (2.5 x 3.5, Uncut) : $3.56

8 -Wallets (2.5 x 3.5, Die Cut w/ Rounded Corners) :  $7.93

3x3: $2.10

3.5x5: $2.10*

4x4: $2.10

4x5: $2.10*

4x6: $2.16*

4x8: $5.95

4x10: $7.81

5x5: $5.95*

5x7: $5.95*

5x10: $7.81

5x15: $20.58

5x20: $29.79**

5x30: $27.87

6x9: $7.81

6x24: $34.05**

7x10: $7.81

7x14: $7.87

8x8: $7.99

8x10: $8.86*

8x12: $19.30

8x32: $46.81**

9x12: $19.30

10x10: $18.83

10x13: $24.78

10x15: $22.97

10x16: $24.37

10x18: $24.37

10x20: $30.90

10x30: $46.64

10x40: $59.58**

11x14: $24.37

11x16: $30.20

11x20: $29.73

12x12: $30.90

12x16: $30.20

12x18: $30.20

12x20: $30.20

12x24: $43.90

12x48: $68.09**

13x20: $34.34

14x14: $38.30

15x20: $39.35

15x30: $62.38

16x16: $42.56

16x20: $42.56

16x24: $44.13

18x18: $46.81

18x24: $53.40

20x20: $44.13

20x24: $53.40

20x30: $62.15

24x24: $62.15

24x30: $74.45

24x36: $94.68

27x40: $99.69

30x30: $102.84

30x40: $113.51


4 - Wallets Strip (2.5 x 3.5, Uncut) : $3.85

8 -Wallets (2.5 x 3.5, Die Cut w/ Rounded Corners) : $8.75

3x3: $2.33

3.5x5: $2.33*

4x4: $2.33

4x5: $2.33*

4x6: $2.39*

4x8: $6.47

4x10: $8.57

5x5: $6.47*

5x7: $6.47*

5x10: $8.57

5x15: $22.62

5x20: $32.76**

5x30: $30.67

6x9: $8.63

6x24: $37.49**

7x10: $8.63

7x14: $8.69

8x8: $8.80

8x10: $9.68*

8x12: $21.22

8x32: $51.48**

9x12: $21.22

10x10: $18.77

10x13: $27.23

10x15: $25.30

10x16: $26.88

10x18: $26.88

10x20: $33.93

10x30: $51.30

10x40: $65.53**

11x14: $26.82

11x16: $33.23

11x20: $32.65

12x12: $33.93

12x16: $33.23

12x18: $33.23

12x20: $33.23

12x24: $48.27

12x48: $74.92**

13x20: $37.72

14x14: $42.15

15x20: $43.62

15x30: $68.39

16x16: $46.81

16x20: $46.81

16x24: $48.56

18x18: $51.48

18x24: $58.77

20x20: $48.56

20x24: $58.77

20x30: $68.39

24x24: $68.39

24x30: $81.91

24x36: $104.18

27x40: $109.60

30x30: $113.16

30x40: $124.82


3.5x5: $1.21*

4x5: $1.21*

4x6: $1.21*

5x5: $1.21*

5x7: $1.58*

8x10: $2.63*

* Available in 1/4" White Border and 1/2" White Fat Border options.

** Denotes panoramic prints that will be shipped rolled and do not currently have any mounting options available.

Please see our Shipping Information for policies.


4 - Wallets Strip (2.5 x 3.5, Uncut) : $5.29

8 - Wallets (2.5 x 3.5, Die Cut w/Rounded Corners) : $10.46

3x3: $3.69

3.5x5: $3.69*

4x4: $3.69

4x5: $3.69*

4x6: $3.75*

4x8: $8.06

4x10: $10.27

5x5: $8.06*

5x7: $8.06*

5x10: $10.27

5x15: $23.87

5x20: $34.58**

5x30: $32.36

6x9: $10.34

6x24: $39.56**

7x10: $10.34

7x14: $9.17

8x8: $10.52

8x10: $11.44*

8x12: $22.40

8x32: $54.33**

9x12: $22.40

10x10: $19.81

10x13: $28.73

10x15: $26.70

10x16: $28.36

10x18: $28.36

10x20: $35.81

10x30: $54.14

10x40: $69.15**

11x14: $28.30

11x16: $35.07

11x20: $34.45

12x12: $35.81

12x16: $35.07

12x18: $35.07

12x20: $35.07

12x24: $50.94

12x48: $79.06**

13x20: $39.81

14x14: $44.48

15x20: $45.65

15x30: $72.17

16x16: $49.40

16x20: $49.40

16x24: $51.25

18x18: $54.33

18x24: $62.02

20x20: $51.25

20x24: $62.02

20x30: $72.17

24x24: $72.17

24x30: $86.44

24x36: $109.95

27x40: $115.67

30x40: $131.73

40x60: $229.64