• Yes! When ordering through ROES, each file must have a unique name Maximum 15 Characters. Do not use any of the following in your file name: special characters, do not use the words "order" or "border" using these in a file name will cause errors in your order like missing prints and bad color. For example, any of the following characters will result in missing prints and bad color: (!@#$%^&*.;:'"[]{}\|<>?,).

  • We serve all levels of photographers and welcome anyone to create an account and print with us!

  • At this time, we do not keep customers' credit cards on file. You will be prompted to enter your billing information in ROES just before the order that you created begins the upload process. There is a box at the top of that payment screen labeled 'Save for Future Orders'. If you would like to have the same credit card charged for your print orders, just be sure to check that box.

  • If you are needing more than one copy of a spiral bound photo book, you will create your order for 1 book in ROES. In the 'Instructions' box (located in the Review Order screen) indicate the number of copies that you need of the book. A customer service representative will then be in touch with directions on how to submit payment for the additional books.

  • The text that is required to be entered in the Order Reference field will help you easily determine which order is which when tracking the status. For example, you can enter the client's last name and search for an order in the Client Control Panel by that name rather than an order number. If you need to contact customer service regarding an order, you can also reference the order by the client's name (or whatever you choose to enter) instead of locating an order number.

  • To update your shipping address or any other information on your account, you can log in to the Client Control Panel with your Customer ID number and password. If you are updating your shipping address after an order has been placed, please contact Customer Service with the updated address as well to ensure that the order is sent to the correct location. Please note that the address entered in the screen with your Credit Card information in ROES is for billing purposes only and will not determine where the order is shipped.

  • You can log in to the Client Control Panel to view your yearly total with ColorInc. Click on the Invoices tab and change the date range to 1/1/2014 - 12/31/2014. You can then view each order total and a grand total for the year. Feel free to print this page for your records.

  • The date that your order is due to be complete and the tracking number (once shipped) can be found under the Orders tab in the Client Control Panel. If you have further questions about your order status, please contact customer service at info@colorincprolab.com.

  • No, Color Inc does not have a yearly requirement. However, to receive free USPS shipping on your orders, the $25.00 order minimum must be met or a non refundable small order handling fee of $8.50 will be applied.

  • To order Fuji Professional Prints, please refer to the "How To Place An Order" video by clicking here.

  • You can log in to our Client Control Panel by clicking here. Below the client login, a 'Forgot Password?' link is available. Once the link is selected, enter your e-mail address on file with the lab and click 'Retrieve' and an e-mail containing your log-in information will be sent to you.

  • Drop Shipping refers to when your order is shipped to any address that isn't the one we have on file. The order is shipped without an invoice, and packaged in a plain unmarked box.

  • Yes, we ship all over the world every business day! Check out our Shipping Policies for more information.

  • Add 1/8" to your crop (ROES will draw an approximate border where the die cut will be. This is visible when ordering wallets).

  • Studio names may have up to 36 characters in their backprint. Image names will print up to 25 characters for non-rendered images such as Express Prints & Proofs. Images that are rendered, such as Proof Magazines or Greeting Cards are always backprinted with their item number from ROES.

  • Yes! When ordering through ROES, each file must have a unique name Maximum 15 Characters. Do not use any of the following in your file name: special characters, do not use the words "order" or "border" using these in a file name will cause errors in your order like missing prints and bad color. For example, any of the following characters will result in missing prints and bad color: (!@#$%^&*.;:'"[]{}\|<>?,).

  • First verify that your files were submitted in the correct color space (sRGB). Often images that are submitted in the wrong color space, Adobe RGB for example, will appear muddy or dull. Next, check the calibration settings on your monitor. We recommend making use of a calibration device for optimal calibration, such as the X-Rite ColorMunki. 

    Never assume that if you are calibrated to one lab that your prints will look the same when printing through a different lab. Changing labs requires change in calibration. Finally, before contacting Color Inc., look through your entire order and determine whether all of your files are off on color, or if it's just one or a few. Also, examine the sizes of prints that were off in color. If the same file was printed in two different sizes, and one is correct and the other is not, there could have been an error on your order. If the problem does not seem to be with your images or with your calibration, contact the lab. Our support staff will help you determine what may be causing the color issues with your prints.

  • Within the 'Options' section, click the 'Choose Retouching Options' tab. Scroll down to the very bottom and select 'Share Edits via Unitprints.com'

  • All Studio Supplies must be ordered separately and can be found under the 'Studio Supplies' catalog in ROES.

  • When the program has launched, check to see if the "Search Enclosed Folders" button is checked. If it is, uncheck the button before moving on to ordering. The first time after you've unchecked the box, you may notice that all of your files are loading in again. If that's the case, ­click the X for the first listed folder while holding down the ALT (OPT on a mac) key to remove them all.

  • You will have the opportunity to add your promotional codes at the end of your order once you have started check-out procedure. The "Promo/Coupon Code" box can be found after the Shipping Options screen. Please note that all promotional codes are case sensitive and must be entered in all CAPS. If the code is valid, the promo code box will turn green once you push "Enter."

  • Strips of 4 wallets and sheets of 8 wallets are 2.5" x 3.5. The sheets of 8 wallets come die cut with rounded corners.

  • When creating favorites and custom packages in ROES or ROES Events you may receive this message when specific specialty product items are added. Due to production requirements, some items cannot be added into packages with other products. For example, Luggage Bag Tags and Sports Cards are considered individual package items and cannot be added to other packages. However, these specific items can be setup as “A La Cart” offerings in your favorites individually. For additional information, please see our tutorial video on Building Favorites & Packages