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50% Off Standard Size Gallery Wrapped Canvas Sale!

50% Off Standard Size Gallery Wrapped Canvas Sale!


50% Off Standard Size Gallery Wrapped Canvas Sale!

Wrapped canvases are the perfect way to spruce up your home decor. Print your memories or some timeless pieces to hang around the work place at a great price! Available in traditional or metallic canvas material!

Includes all standard size gallery wraps (starting prices listed below)!

Canvas Pricing.JPG

Please note that USPS is experiencing delays in transit. For faster shipping, please select FedEx (standard or express) or USPS Express in ROES when ordering.

Save until August 25th at 11:59PM EST.

Promo Code: WRAPITUP

The promo code cannot be combined with other offers. Does not apply to orders placed prior to the sale.

Discounts do not apply to items ordered in the School and Sports catalog.

NOTE: Some larger/oversized sizes not included. Please check page for more details

Latest information: Shipping Service Impact of COVID-19 from our partners USPS FedEx